Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Mahila Samiti celebrating Environment day.Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Mahila Samiti during Environment day.Bharatitai Gharphalkar President of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Mahila Samiti enlighten the lamp and garland the photo of Godess Sarswati. Suhasinitai Dhotre enlighten the lamp. Sadhanatai Phore enlighten the lamp. Savitatai Adhau enlighen the lamp.Vanitatai Raut Secretary of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Mahila Samiti enlighten the lamp.Welcoming of Mrs. Sadhanatai Phore.Welcoming of Vanitatai Raut.Welcoming of Charulatatai Dhotre.Welcoming of Shobhatai Patil.Welcoming of Savitatai Adhau.Welcoming of Sindhautai Malokar.Students of Little Star Convent during Environment day programme.Welcoming of Jayatai Band.Mahial Samiti taking the pledge of environment protection.Tree Plantation by Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Mahila samiti.